Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 3: To use this account with API, first, you need to make a note of the dYdX recovery seed.
Step 4
Step 4: The typescript client can be configured to connect to any network you wish. You can see example code for customizing the network configuration here:
Step 5
5(a) Onboarding USDC through dYdX trade interface
5(b) Onboarding USDC through Circle Mint account
5(b)(i) Deposit USD to your Circle Mint account via wire transfer and mint USDC. Create a Noble address by downloading Keplr Wallet extension and adding Noble Chain and dYdX.
If you want to use Keplr to see trades, stake, and vote via a Keplr dashboard, you would need to export your mnemonic from your dYdX account and import this mnemonic into your Keplr wallet when setting it up. Read more info here.
5(b)(ii) Within Keplr you can now IBC funds from the Noble Chain to the dYdX Chain.
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